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The power of holistic healing


I need to talk about health, normally I let things pass when people comment on my work. I rather choose the side of silence because I am used to the fact that I am not understood. I don't like to explain myself because it feels not right and could give the wrong perception about my work and person. But this one I need to share.


To explain where I want to go, I need to flash back in the past. My whole childhood and even far in my adult life, I had to deal with illness and pain. My guides told me, this is the detox of past lives. All the memories that aren't lived through, stay in the cells and create pain. They are like big rocks in your life energy and need insight and growth.


Healing could only be reached when I accepted the pain and dealt with the consequences. At an early stage in life, I had to experience that modern medicine wasn't working for me. It even made me more ill.


This became the start of an inner search for a medicine that could help me heal. From that moment on, the light that surrounded me was a force that showed how we can live on this earth with nature as our guide. I started to make light frequentie in a bottle and learned alternative medicine. My list of studies is impressive, and I don't say this to brag. I was always in between work and studying, and I still am.


When I grew up in this energy part of life, I was always in connection with a more significant force. You can call it whatever you want, I think most people want to call it God but I don't do religion (because for me it separates and I want to stay in connection). But that prominent force connects everyone as one. Because you are energy you can plug yourself into this higher source and filter all the information you need to heal, work and grow.


This is why I am not a regular paragnost, healer, or medium. I WORK AS A HOLISTIC CHANNEL HEALER, I recognize frequentie. Because of the connection with the source I can tell you what's wrong in your aura, in the bodies of your person, in the fysiek, in the emotional world, I can tell you what energy you need to heal or fill up the empty spaces. What's your source reason to be here, what's your soul's purpose? That's why the guides gave me the surrounding label "Harmony Coach" because it covers everything I can be for you.


That doesn't mean I DIAGNOSE, I only give information. I will never say you don't have to go to your doctor, you have to quit your medicine or whatever unlogic idea there is used in alternative routes. Healing is a quest and not every treatment works for your energy. Just experience the magic of what is possible!


So in this way, I invite you frequentie energy. I give frequentie advice to everyone who needs healing in any part of their life. How this will get formed is very personal. So, I can't tell you, what our short connection will give you in front. But it will help you! You can book frequentie healing for 30min of my time this listing is with therapist Holistic ZAZA or IRIS NOVA


How to use this listing?

Send me a messenger message Iris Janssen with the date and time you would like to book your meeting. Let me know when your payment has gone through and we can get started. I am available daily online between 8.30 pm and 11.30 pm, but other times can be booked.


Frequentie advice to everyone who needs healing in any part of their life

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