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During a frequency healing, I read your aura for you. You may ask how important is this? Well, very important, I can literally read everything that is going on in your life right now from your aura. This gives me large parts of the information about your soul, your body, but also your life path.

All information is embedded in your aura. Your inner child also lives in your aura. Which is the database of all your past lives. Here you get all your "gifts, talents but also your knowledge". Sometimes you can discover that you have an "aptitude" for something. Like you've done it before. Or like you're out of there fast. This just means that you have already done the basics of what you are learning now.

Your aura a rainbow of colors! Normally your aura is a rainbow of colors, these colors are the reflection of your well-being. If the colors of your aura and your chakras (energy centers) are not clear then something is weakening you, draining you or draining your energy. Everything is energy. So staying stuck in a situation for too long also weakens. Maybe you don't always realize what those things are that weaken you.

An aura reading or frequency healing can give you answers to this.
Strange vibrations, flickering or holes in the aura. This is not a healthy aspect. In these gaps or irregularities, entities and or disease or energy vampires can sneak. It is important to keep your aura healthy. Because your aura is literally your first barrier to health, it keeps your physical body healthy. So is like a filter, a layer of protection.

How to keep your aura healthy? Getting in touch with what you need, feeling what makes you feel good. But also eat living things and surround yourself with living things. Ground enough, absorb enough light. Meditation, yoga... hugging a tree. Drawing, painting, working in the garden.. All grounding things that strengthen your aura.
I can do an aural reading for you, we have a frequency healing the duration of this listing is 30min. You are welcome, ask me how!


You can book this listing with therapist Holistic ZAZA or IRIS NOVA

How to use this listing?
Send me a messenger message Iris Janssen with the date and time you would like to book your meeting. Let me know when your payment has gone through and we can get started. I am available online daily between 8.30 pm and 11.30 pm, but other times can be booked.

Your aura the fingerprint of your soul...

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